Project Cosmo

Time Flies

Damn, it has been HOW long since I last posted here? It felt like yesterday.

"Tech, where's the weather code?! I want the code from your last post!"

I hear you, nonexistent reader! (Btw if someone is EVER reading this, don't be afraid of shooting me a message on any social. It gives me an incentive to write more knowing that someone is reading this nonsensical shit. Thanks.)

I have encountered a corruption on my external SSD and it happened right after I installed a fresh EndeavourOS, and the weather code was on the SSD. You might recall seeing me ask for help on Mastodon.

Thanks for the suggestion of using Autopsy I was able to recover everything (I can't recall the name of who suggested it atm).

Is the weather code lost? No. I have it right here!

Due to me being late and have been just doing 300 other projects and not releasing the weather code, I am cooking something to make up for it.

Did someone say "I love WeatherStar machines!"? That's just teasing what I'll try to cook up.

While you might be asking why I haven't released the code yet it's just because ever since the last blog post I haven't touched it and it needs some cleanup, unused leftovers everywhere.

It's coming - I ain't dead.